Our Three Pillars
Ely is the perfect place to make good friends and discover more about yourself and the world you inhabit.
Seek the highest standards in your work and study for the good of society, develop cultural interests, and deepen in your spiritual life.
Ely provides men with a spiritual and intellectual hub in the heart of Dublin City.
Our Ethos
Our ethos is inspired by St Josemaría Escrivá, the founder of Opus Dei, who taught that every person can live out their faith to the full through their daily work and their ordinary life by finding meaning and fulfilment in them. We teach that working for the service of society, out of love for others — and, ultimately, for love of God — is the highest ideal a person can aspire to.
Our society is in need of ambitious, mature and intellectually curious young adults. At Ely, we seek to inspire young men to take up the reins of their own lives. We offer the opportunity to foster a relationship with Jesus Christ, which can help them become better students, professionals, friends, and fathers.

Our Activities
We provide regular mentoring to students and young professionals who are keen to develop their personal, and professional character. We use different tools to help including Optimal Work.
Finding Faith in Reason
Regular activities taking men through the key tenets of the Catholic Faith. Drawing on theological and philosophical concepts, we draw out lessons to help inspire a richer understanding of catholicism.
Fireside Forum
A place to discuss ideas and engage in a thought-provoking fireside conversation on topics ranging from politics, culture, and current affairs to history, law and art.